Memoir Ghostwriting Services

“Most words, once spoken, are forgotten, while writing lasts.”

– Jill Lepore, These Truths

Finally ready to write that book? Looking for someone to help edit your manuscript and prepare it for publishing?

Everyone has a story to tell. Let me help you tell yours.

Why write a personal memoir?

“To utter what must not be erased.” – Richard Ford, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author


Memoir Ghostwriting

Memoirs preserve family histories. They tell stories. They help us understand ourselves better by learning about those who came before us. Let me ghostwrite yours.

Manuscript Editing

Stephen King said, “To write is human, to edit is divine.” If you have already completed the difficult task of writing your memoir but need editing support, I am here to help.

Ready to get started? Let’s connect.

Create a website or blog at